Wednesday, March 6, 2013

23 Expert Tips Continued

Continuing with our previous post, here are the rest of the expert tips for choosing and using livable colors!

-When choosing wall colors, find versions of your favorite colors that are muted with gray.

-Choose the best paint you can afford. Good paint has better pigments and a more livable finish.

-Look at paint colors in the morning and at night, and put them near your furniture.

-For a cohesive look, flow two or three of the same colors in each room. An accent wall in the family room is reflected in the master bedroom bedding, for example.

-Choose colors based on the use of a room. Morning rooms can be brighter; Rooms used at night can go dark.

-You can take just about anything to the paint store and ask the associate to mix a paint that's a perfect matching using the store's color reader.

- Give yourself permission to use a bold color. You don't have to love it everywhere-one throw or pillow might be just enough.

-Colors close together on the color wheel are analogous and will make a calm room. Colors that are farther apart are complementary and add drama.

-Play with intensity. I love monochromatic rooms that use a single hue in a variety of ways.

-Your home is made up of more than walls-ceilings, floors, stairs, and doors are also great places to have fun with paint.

-When rooms open to one another, avoid choosing radically different colors, or the space will look choppy and small.

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