Friday, February 8, 2013

Bookcase Decorating Tips

Decorating bookcases can be a fun but difficult process. Use these tips to help ease your frustation and turn it into a fun project!

1) Take everything off the shelves (yes everything!).  If it helps ease your stress, take a before picture just so you have it to look at after if you are not happy with the end results (do not look at the picture until you are done decorating though).

2) Next decide what you want to put on your bookshelves.. Books? Accessories? Family Pictures? Vases? YOU decide! Remember to keep in mind color, shape, size, and texture when choosing these items.

3) Begin placing items back onto the bookshelves starting with the shelf you can see eye-to-eye with. Depending on how tall the bookcase is you may start with the top shelf.

4) How do you know what to place on the bookshelf first? Easy! Start with the item you have the most of or the largest item you have. This becomes your focal point.

5) Larger items need to be balanced with smaller items and vice versa. Grouping items together allows you to fill the space without using only one item. Think about the differen sizes and shapes of the items you are using.

6) Remember to evenly disperse color throughout the bookshelves. If you don't have much green, move the green around. If you want to color block books or accessories remember to balance warm and cool colors on each shelf. If you don't have a lot of color to work with thats when texture can come into play. Its important to pair opposite items together. A safe bet idea is greenery including plants or flowers!

Happy decorating!

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