Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How to Maximize a Small Space and Make it Look Bigger

These are just a few simple ideas to enhance a small space. Remember that just because it's a small space does not mean it can't have a grand design, just use your creativity.

(Perfect for dorm rooms parents!)

1) Using bed risers allows for more storage underneath the bed.

2) Build upward using vertical wall space. Use tall shelving units to keep more precious square footage available.

3) Use mirrors paired with wall art. Mirrors reflect light and visually expand the space.

4) Use large prints on bedding, window treatments, pillows etc. This distracts the eye from the small size of the space. Make sure to keep prints simple and do not mix a lot of different patterns.

5) Have furniture custom built for spaces. This way you can have furniture made that's comfortable and suitable for the space, rather than buying smaller furniture that isn't cozy.

6) Don't be afraid to use color and do paint the ceiling, it fools the eye into thinking the space is larger because the eye will not stop at the ceiling line.

7) Use lots of light! There are many choices: ceiling lights, table lamps, task lighting, sconces and even floor lamps can do wonders for a space.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Most Costly Design Mistake Step 4

Step Four: Make a List
List the items you are keeping for your room, and also ALL the pieces you need to purchase to complete the project. You don't need to buy everything at once, but you should have a list before you begin. Relating back to this list during your project will keep you on track, ad also keep you on a budget!

You will find that making a plan and sticking to it will force you to stay on track and achieve your design goals. This whole process is even easier if you can share it with friends or family. Having support will get the job done more smoothly- and with a lot more fun. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Most Costly Mistake Step Three

Step Three: Plan your Budget (loosely)
Home projects rarely stay within the initial budget, but it is still important to set one. You can feel more secure if you know approximately how much you are willing to spend for the sntire project, and then plan for each separate item accordingly.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Talk of the Town 2012

We want to personally thank all of you for helping us achieve the Talk of the Town 2012 Award! It means a lot to have won this. We will continue to keep up the hard work! We look forward to working with you!

Talk of the Town 2012 Award

The Most Costly Design Mistake Con't

Step Two: Find an Inspiration
Fine one piece that really speaks to your heart. It can be a painting, a piece of furniture, or an area rug. Use this piece to keep your purchases on track. Everything you buy for the room must coordinate with that one piece. Sometimes a picture in a magazine can be your inspiration. Make sure your overall plan is consistent with the colors, textures, and overall theme of the picture.

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Most Costly Design Mistake

The most costly mistake that homeowners make is starting a design project without a plan. Taking on a new project without a plan is like trying to drive to a strange, faraway place without a map. This will cause you delays, increase your frustration, and cost you a bundle. Making a plan is a lot like having a navigation system to guide you alone the way.

If you consider some important steps before beginning your home design venture, you can feel more confident that your project will go as planned.

Step One: Choose a Mood
Many homeowner get stuck trying to figure out a style. Instead, thinking about how you want to feel inn the room. Before choosing even one item, decide on the mood you want to achieve: casual and comfortable..formal and elegant..cheerful and whimsical.. After you've chosen your desired mood, make sure that everything you choose reflects it, and your final design is sure to turn our perfectly.

(The final 3 steps will be posted at a later date, stay tuned!)