Monday, April 19, 2010

Outdoor Living Spaces

Springtime is the perfect time to be thinking about the next few months of warm and sunny summer weather.

Living outdoors is the new hot thing. Creating outdoor living spaces can be a challenge but rest assured that it need not be. Most home furnishings type stores are now carrying an extensive array of furniture and furnishings that can be used outside and are waterproof and at price point to fit most budgets.

Think comfort and versatility when decorating. There are no "rules" to creating these comfortable homey type patios, decks; verandas and such...

Find color in the beauty of the outdoors...create lighting with lanterns and candles....create comfort in seating and just being...most of all just relax and enjoy the warmth and the sun!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Home Staging

Staging your home to sell in these challenging economic times has become a must! The home staging industry has grown to become one of the few expanding industries to continue to grow!
Home staging continues to expand and is no longer just "decluttering & cleaning"! Home staging is showcasing a homes architectural features and spaces! An educated home stager has received certifications in Home Staging and knows exactly how to achieve the desired goals of creating a product of beauty while working with both the realtor and the current owner! The added cost of hiring an educated certified Home Stager is truly an investment that brings results!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hiring an Interior Designer

Most people are intimidated and overwhelmed when it comes to decorating thier homes! It is a common misconception that hiring an Interior Designer is luxury for "the rich & famous. The truth is hiring an Interior Designer allows you to create the spaces that you desire and that ALSO function for your families specific needs and save you money in the long run! Designers are problem solvers and we create solutions (and beauty) from the more wasteful purchases.

For those of you who are still overwhelmed try hiring an Interior Designer on a consultation only basis. A consulatation typically allows you to get some basic decorating ideas & solutions without the "commitment"...

Sunday, February 14, 2010